Directa Plus bags grant to develop graphene based fabrics

February 22, 2017 - Italy

Italian company Directa Plus has been allocated a grant for a research project titled ‘Graphene in Advanced Textiles & Fashion’ (GRATA). The project will focus on the development of G+ membranes to enhance the thermal and electrical performance of textiles for fashion applications. The total value of the project is expected to be approximately €1 million.

40 per cent of the €1 million will be funded by the European Regional Development Fund via the Lombardy regional government, while Directa Plus expects to invest €308,000 and receive a grant of €126,000 following the completion of the project in December 2018.

This grant is aligned with Directa Plus’ textile market development strategy and will serve to reduce the cost to the company of developing its range of textile products.

In addition, the Directa Plus management has already identified several potential customers to which the company will be able to market the results of the GRATA project. (AR)