Reducing weight, performance textiles imp in aerospace

June 22, 2017 - United Kingdom

With the aerospace and defence sectors projected to grow by three per cent in 2017, reducing weight is significant since it makes aircraft faster, allowing military pilots to reach their destination/target fast. Substituting heavier, conventional materials for lighter high-performance textiles will also be crucial for space programmes, believes Arville.

Heightened government budgets due to the increased threat to national security and protectionism, and commercialisation of passenger space travel present an excellent platform for manufacturers to develop new and innovative textile products with increasingly better performance characteristics. Overall, the need to minimise excess weight within aircraft is still an overriding concern. By substituting heavier, conventional materials for lighter high-performance textiles, not only can commercial aircraft companies benefit, but global space programmes such as NASA and the UK Space Agency, and national armed forces too.

While cost is certainly a contributing factor, it isn't the only driving force behind the design and manufacture of these lightweight, durable fabrics. Better fuel economy will be a benefit for civil aerospace, but it's less of a concern for defence contractors or government space programmes where heavy demands on material performance dictate specifications.

Reducing weight makes aircraft faster, allowing military pilots to reach their destination/target more quickly and, in the event of combat situations, speed of response is crucial. In terms of longer haul travel such as space programmes, a vessel travelling to Mars and back with humans on board is currently a 2.5 year journey, for example. Therefore, spacecraft vessels with less mass would have a better fuel/weight ratio, requiring less fuel overall for propulsion. Alternatively, it could extend the flight range, meaning that agencies could operate more effectively and help them to advance their knowledge of solar systems - the very purpose they’re here for.

In addition, when tourist journeys to space become more mainstream, weight reduction will mean lower costs and heightened profitability for private companies, such as SpaceX, it says.

Another benefit of lighter material is that it often drives better technical performance and functionality, such as stronger protection - which is paramount for the safety of personnel and passengers of all types of aircraft. For example, lightweight, high-specification fabrics and textiles, such as Arville EKV2536, are mutli-functional and can be used in a variety of aerospace applications including ejector seat covers, parachute release bags, screens and partitions, flexible fuel cells and aircraft flotation bags.

Looking into the future, there are discussions about creating living environments on other planets. NASA revealed its strategy to try to get humans living on Mars by 2030, in 2015.

If these plans are to be realised, then there’s much to consider about the contribution that textile materials can make - not only from a clothing and safety perspective, but the way that textiles can be used structurally in the design and realisation of optimal living conditions.

Aerospace fabrics have already come a long way. In 2016, NASA created an inflatable International Space Station habitat, named the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), using Kevlar textiles. This construction consisted of multiple layers, which are designed to help protect astronauts against solar radiation, extreme temperatures and high-speed impact from micrometeorite strikes. While still in its testing phase, this example of innovative textile design shows the potential to create fabrics that fulfill a variety of highly-sensitive criteria. (SV)