Firefighting apparel with technology from Nomex & Goretex

September 24, 2008 - Australia

ADA’s constant pursuit of excellence has involved us working with Queensland Fire & Rescue Service to have its firefighters now equipped with world’s best protective apparel.

Our in-house Research & Development Division was given the task of creating a new-generation structural firefighting ensemble that met the performance requirements of recently published AS4967:2006 and that:

-Provides maximum ‘breathability’ of garments to minimize a wearer’s core body temperature build up.
-Provides maximum physiological/ergonomic factors to increase wearer comfort and mobility.
-Reduces garment load while maintaining protection against external thermal threat.

The new QFRS firefighting ensemble employs a Nomex® outer barrier with Goretex moisture barrier technology. It provides exponential improvement in protection and wearability over previous generations of the ensemble.

ADA conducted its R&D in close consultation with QFRS and other international industry professionals to ensure it fully met practical, on-the-ground needs of firefighters in real conditions.

Our R&D Division has membership of, and works with, international standards-accreditation bodies and testing laboratories. We worked closely with international giants DuPont and W L Gore on this project.