EliTe® CompactSet Processing Synthetic Fibres

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>1451</Id><Name>Dr. Norbert Brunk</Name></Author></Authors>

Source: &sec=article&uinfo=<%=server.URLEncode(1814)%>" target="_blank">www.suessen.com

Fibre consumption worldwide is currently made up of about58% manmade fibres and about 42% natural fibres. Although the percentage ofcotton has slightly and continuously grown in the last years, its share of the totalconsumption of fibres is about 40% only. Further growth cannot be expected,because the already extensive cultivation permits no further growth and anexpansion of the area of cultivable land is not possible.

It is therefore unavoidable to compensate the expandingdemand for fibres by the growing world population and the additionally risingper capita consumption in many newly industrializing countries by an increasingapplication of man-made fibres.

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About the Author

The authoris the Technical Director Ring Spinning, SUESSEN