Smart Materials-Smart Usable?!

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>2821</Id><Name>New Cloth Market</Name></Author></Authors>

By: Marina-Elena Wachs


The Intelligence of smart materials has to be accepted bythe user. There has to be the possibility of identification with wearableelectronics to see a sense in using clothes, which seems to be not completed withrespect to the medical and the cleaning aspects. Representatives from theclothing industry at the avantex-symposium in Frankfurt 2005 mentioned that thereis a lack of demand of such clothing.

Another example is the surface of the porcelain called"touch!" from the enterprise khala. The user doubted about thedurability of the smooth part of the porcelain, which has a character ofvelvet. Functional objects have to take care for example for the radiationproof and a secure handling. Consumer wants to have confidence in functionslike the durability of smart materials. First conclusion about the criteria tohandle with new materials is to have confidence in materials and in the promise,what they seem to give. Second the people who develop smart materials have to mediatebetween the materials and the consumer.

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Thispaper was presented at the Ambience '08-International Scientific Conference onSmart Textiles- Technology and Design (Courtesy: The University College of Bors, (CTF, The Swedish School of Textiles), Sweden