Harper to host ‘Carbon Fiber R&D Workshop’

April 27, 2013 - United States Of America

Share the spark of innovation!

Join your peers for an engaging program on material and process technology at the 2013 Carbon Fiber R&D Workshop, hosted by Harper International.

Harper is bringing together thought leaders from the US and abroad from academia, industry, and the public sector for a valuable program on the future of Carbon Fiber research from the perspective of material development, process technology, and export control considerations.

On display will be Harper’s complete Carbon Fiber Microline research system, the world’s most flexible and highly tailored system, designed to support the unique needs of research and development efforts.

Confirmed presenters include:
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Applied NanoStructured Solutions, a Lockheed Martin Company
- University at Tennessee
- Hills Inc.
- University at Buffalo
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Iowa State University
- Ames Laboratory
- LTI Associates