IFAI conducts MUST program for data on military textiles

June 20, 2015 - United States Of America

The Central Michigan University along with the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), is conducting a three series MUST (Military Uniform System Technology) R&D programs sponsored by The Defence Logistics Agency (DLA), to gather information on manufacturing military textile products.

The program is an effort to improve the R&D and procurement process through all of the supply chain segments. It’s aimed at building a knowledge base of product specifications using a common language, according to media reports.

Dr. MacGillivray, chair of IFAI’s Advanced Textile Products Division, is working with IFAI and service provider AdvanTech to develop and populate a database of companies and products that could be considered by DLA and DOD. This is the first project for IFAI’s Military Division, offering excellent potential for companies to work together on something with the potential to greatly expand access to the military market.

MUST is expected to reverse the usual procurement process, giving manufacturers the opportunity to get into the DLA supply pipeline before contracts and specifications are issued. By giving the military access to information about the most up-to-date and innovative products available, the new system is designed to shorten the time between design and fulfillment by up to 12-18 months. It should also reduce the number of competing specs between the services, create new synergy between the military and the specialty fabrics industry, and ensure that troops will be outfitted with the best gear quickly and efficiently.

The initial demonstration and proof of concept of MUST is being tested and validated over the next six months—to show how the specialty fabrics industry can provide credible, timely and, accurate information to the US military. (GK)