Spirit delivers components for 500th Boeing 787 Dreamliner

October 17, 2016 - United States Of America

Spirit AeroSystems which builds aerostructures and which also provides various components for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner since 2007 said it has successfully delivered key components for the 500th Dreamliner. Among several components, Spirit provides the 787 forward fuselages, engine pylons, the wing fixed leading edge and wing moveable leading edge.

Spirit delivers a fully integrated forward fuselage structure on the 787 program, with all flight controls tested and installed.

The composite forward fuselage section, known as section 41, is built using auto fibre placement machines winding composite tape into a one-piece fuselage section.

The completed structure is assembled using Spirit Exact, a proprietary assembly process using pre-located holes and automated riveters.

According to the company, the 787 pioneered the use of composites in large-scale commercial airplanes. (AR)