Svenska Aerogel to insulate textiles with Quartzene

October 04, 2019 - Sweden

Svenska Aerogel is working on a project to integrate Quartzene into a variety of woven textiles to produce textile-based thermal insulation materials and fabrics. Svenska Aerogel has developed Quartzene, the next generation aerogel with effective insulating properties as an additive in a product. The project is run as a consortium with several partners.

The consortium agreement includes Sun Tekstil, one of Europe’s largest manufacturers in the textile industry, producing collections and manufactures clothing for some of the world’s most popular fashion brands. In addition to the clothing industry, it works with military textiles, vehicle textiles, work wear and medical textiles.

The consortium also includes a leading paint manufacturer, DYO Boya Fab, which participates with the aim of promoting a completely new environmentally friendly binder to the technical textile market. The company conducts export trade in some 40 countries.

“Technical textile means focusing on function. And with Quartzene as an additive, we get a textile that insulates against heat and cold. This is of great importance for building construction and the automotive industry, for example, where a textile can replace much more space-consuming material. Interest from the clothing industry is also great. Specific work wear requires strong insulation protection, as well as clothing and equipment used in extreme weather conditions,” Svenska Aerogel said.

The 30-month project is partly financed through Eurostar-eureka. The other two parties to the agreement are Turkish companies. Svenska Aerogel coordinates the project.