Scottish textile firm Don & Low to produce mask fabric

May 13, 2020 - United Kingdom

Scottish textile firm Don & Low will manufacture filters used in the production of face masks recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the UK National Health Service (NHS). The firm’s Forfar plant has received funding from Scottish Enterprise for equipment to make fabric for the top grade FFP3 face masks that protect against virus and bacterial infection.

The masks are also often used by healthcare professionals while handling hazardous pharmaceutical chemicals as they can block both liquid and solid aerosols.

The Scottish Government, via Scottish Enterprise, has agreed to provide the company with up to £3.6 million of financial support towards the £4.5-million to be spent on the purchase, import and installation of the equipment.

Once the machine is operational, Don & Low will be one of a handful of companies in Europe capable of supplying the filter material used to make the respirator masks.